Chemical Earthing in Noida Chemical Earthing in Greater Noida In a full and proper designed wiring system, there are lots of earthing points located different positions throughout the wiring. For example every plug socket will have a third earthing point. The metal body of each electrical product is connected to the earthing through an earth points. This test ensures the continuity between an earth point and the actual earth. In this test, one point of earth continuity tester is connected to the earth terminal whose continuity is to be checked and other terminal of the tester is connected to the main earthing system of the equipment. The pointer of earth continuity tester will give the resistance value between the said earth point and actual earth. In any case, the value must not be greater than 2 ohm. If it is greater than 2 ohm, then the earth connection should be physically rechecked and properly rectified to achieve desired minimum earth resistance. Chemical earthing in Noida , Maintenance free earthing Noida , Earthing material Noida t, plate earthing material Noida , earthing material supplier Noida , ESE lightning arrester Noida , Tercel Lightning protection Noida , Onay Lightning protection Noida . Chemical Earthing supplier all over India, All over world all over Asia. Lightning Protection supplier in India, Chemical Earthing supplier in Guru Gram, Chemical Earthing in Delhi, Earthing Material, Earthing, Earthing Supplier .
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