OBO Betterman Lightning arrester guide To assist in the planning and design of lightning and surge protection systems 2 From our archives: a cartoon from 1958. The caption reads: “Lightning arrester provides safety.” Foreword OBO Bettermann is one of the world’s most experienced manufacturers of lightning and surge protection systems. For almost 100 years, OBO has been developing and producing standard-compliant lightning arrester components. The rise of the modern computer began in the 1970s, with the invention of the electronic typewriter. OBO responded by launching its groundbreaking V-15 surge arrester. Countless new products over the years, such as the first connectable type 2 surge protection device with VDE test mark, or the first connectable type 1 lightning current arrester with carbon technology, laid the foundation for the uniquely comprehensive product range that we offer today. OBO was the first manufacturer to publish a guide to lightning arrester – way back in the 1950s. This original guide focused on external lightning arrester and earthing systems. Since then, further information has been steadily added to the “planner sections” of the guide to include information on surge protection for everything from energy to data systems. The motto in the picture – BLITZSCHUTZ GIBT SICHERHEIT (“LIGHTNING ARRESTER PROVIDES SAFETY”) – is as relevant today as it ever was, with external lightning arrester still providing valuable passive fire protection in Wednesday | 29 August, 2018 | 11:35 AM DEHN SURGE PROTECTION/ARRESTER DEVICES In Noida Our Products Chemical Earthing Maintenance free earthing system earthing supplier earthing manufacturer Onay lightning arrester Tercel lightning arrester all tech lightning protection Advance earthing system copper bonded earthing copper coated earthing system 50mm Copper earthing system 77mm copper earthing 80 mm copper earthing system UL certified earthing system copper plating earthing system 17.2mm copper bonded earthing 16mm copper bonded earthing GI Earthing electrode hot dip galvanized earthing system 50mm dia gi earthing electrode 40mm dia gi earthing electrode 77mm dia gi earthing electrode 80 mm dia gi earthing electrode copper plate earthing copper pipe earthing Gi plate earthing GI pipe earthing 250 micron earthing syatem 100-120 micron earthing 80-100 micron earthing system Lightning Arrester Supplier E.S.E lightning arrester supplier
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