NBC Lightning Arrester
IEC 62561-2
Edition 1.0 2012-02
Lightning protection system components (LPSC) –
Part 2: Requirements for conductors and earth electrodes
IEC 62561-2:2012(E)
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IEC 62561-2
Edition 1.0 2012-02
Lightning protection system components (LPSC) –
Part 2: Requirements for conductors and earth electrodes
ICS 29.020; 91.120.40
ISBN 978-2-88912-924-9
® Registered trademark of the International Electrotechnical Commission
Warning! Make sure that you obtained this publication from an authorized distributor.
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FOREWORD ........................................................................................................................... 4
INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 6
1 Scope ............................................................................................................................... 7
2 Normative references ....................................................................................................... 7
3 Terms and definitions ....................................................................................................... 8
4 Requirements ................................................................................................................... 9
4.1 General ................................................................................................................... 9
4.2 Documentation ........................................................................................................ 9
4.3 Air termination conductors, air termination rods, earth lead-in rods and down
conductors .............................................................................................................. 9
4.4 Earth electrodes .................................................................................................... 11
4.4.1 General ..................................................................................................... 11
4.4.2 Earth rods ................................................................................................. 11
4.4.3 Joints for earth rods................................................................................... 11
4.4.4 Earth conductors and plates ...................................................................... 12
4.5 Marking ................................................................................................................. 12
5 Tests .............................................................................................................................. 15
5.1 General conditions for tests ................................................................................... 15
5.2 Conductors, air termination rods and earth lead-in rods ......................................... 15
5.2.1 General ..................................................................................................... 15
5.2.2 Tests for thickness coating on conductors ................................................. 15
5.2.3 Bend and adhesion test for coated conductors .......................................... 15
5.2.4 Environmental test ..................................................................................... 16
5.2.5 Tensile tests .............................................................................................. 16
5.2.6 Electrical resistivity test ............................................................................. 16
5.3 Earth rods ............................................................................................................. 17
5.3.1 General ..................................................................................................... 17
5.3.2 Tests for thickness coating on earth rods ................................................... 17
5.3.3 Adhesion test ............................................................................................ 18
5.3.4 Bend test ................................................................................................... 18
5.3.5 Environmental test ..................................................................................... 19
5.3.6 Tensile strength tests ................................................................................ 19
5.3.7 Test for yield/tensile ratio .......................................................................... 19
5.3.8 Electrical resistivity test ............................................................................. 20
5.4 Joints for earth rods .............................................................................................. 21
5.4.1 General ..................................................................................................... 21
5.4.2 Compression tests by mechanical means .................................................. 21
5.4.3 Environmental – Electrical tests ................................................................. 22
5.5 Marking test .......................................................................................................... 23
5.5.1 General conditions for tests ....................................................................... 23
5.5.2 Acceptance criteria .................................................................................... 23
6 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) .............................................................................. 23
7 Structure and content of the test report .......................................................................... 23
7.1 General ................................................................................................................. 23
7.2 Report identification .............................................................................................. 24
7.3 Specimen description ............................................................................................ 24
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7.4 Conductor ............................................................................................................. 24
7.5 Standards and references ..................................................................................... 24
7.6 Test procedure ...................................................................................................... 24
7.7 Testing equipment, description .............................................................................. 24
7.8 Measuring instruments description ........................................................................ 24
7.9 Results and parameters recorded .......................................................................... 25
7.10 Statement of pass/fail ............................................................................................ 25
Annex A (normative) Environmental test for conductors, air termination rods and earth
lead-in rods........................................................................................................................... 26
Annex B (normative) Requirements for the cross sectional area, mechanical and
electrical characteristics, tests to be applied ......................................................................... 27
Annex C (normative) Requirements for dimensions, mechanical and electrical
characteristics, tests to be applied ........................................................................................ 28
Annex D (informative) Typical example calculation of conductor resistivity ........................... 29
Annex E (informative) Typical example of calculation of the tensile strength of a
coated material ..................................................................................................................... 30
Annex F (normative) Flow chart of tests for air termination conductors, air termination
rods, earth lead-in rods and down conductors ....................................................................... 31
Annex G (normative) Flow chart of tests for earth rods ........................................................ 32
Annex H (normative) Flow chart of tests of joints for earth rods ........................................... 33
Bibliography .......................................................................................................................... 34
Figure 1 – Coating measurements around the circumference of the rod ................................ 17
Figure 2 – Typical test arrangement for adhesion test ........................................................... 18
Figure 3 – Definitions of upper yield strength ReH (Mpa) and tensile strength Rm (Mpa) ....... 20
Figure 4 – Typical test arrangement for the compression test by mechanical means ............. 22
Table 1 – Material, configuration and cross sectional area of air termination
conductors, air termination rods, earth lead-in rods and down conductors ............................. 10
Table 2 – Mechanical and electrical characteristics of air termination conductors, air
termination rods, earth lead-in rods and down conductors ..................................................... 11
Table 3 – Material, configuration and cross sectional area of earth electrodes ...................... 13
Table 4 – Mechanical and electrical characteristics of earth electrodes ................................. 14
Table B.1 – Summary of requirements for various elements tested according to Table 1
and Table 2 .......................................................................................................................... 27
Table C.1 – Summary of requirements for various elements tested according to Table 3
and Table 4 .......................................................................................................................... 28
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Part 2: Requirements for conductors and earth electrodes
1) The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is a worldwide organization for standardization comprising
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International Standard IEC 62561-2 has been prepared by IEC technical committee 81:
Lightning protection.
The text of this standard is based on the following documents:
FDIS Report on voting
81/417/FDIS 81/423/RVD
Full information on the voting for the approval of this standard can be found in the report on
voting indicated in the above table.
This publication has been drafted in accordance with the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The content of this document is taken from the European Standard EN 50164-2.
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A list of all the parts in the IEC 62561 series, published under the general title Lightning
protection system components (LPSC), can be found on the IEC website.
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This part of IEC 62561 deals with the requirements and tests for lightning protection system
components (LPSC) used for the installation of a lightning protection system (LPS) designed
and implemented according to the IEC 62305 series of standards.
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Part 2: Requirements for conductors and earth electrodes
1 Scope
This part of IEC 62561 specifies the requirements and tests for:
– metallic conductors (other than “natural” conductors) that form part of the air termination
system and down conductors;
– metallic earth electrodes that form part of the earth termination system.
2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and
are indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any
amendments) applies.
IEC 60068-2-52:1996, Environmental testing – Part 2-52: Tests – Test Kb: Salt mist, cyclic
(sodium chloride solution)
IEC 60228, Conductors of insulated cables
IEC 62305-3, Protection against lightning – Part 3: Physical damage to structures and life
IEC 62305-4, Protection against lightning – Part 4: Electrical and electronic systems within
IEC 62561-1, Lightning protection system components (LPSC) – Part 1: Requirements for
connection components
ISO 1460, Metallic coatings – Hot dip galvanized coatings on ferrous materials – Gravimetric
determination of the mass per unit area
ISO 1461, Hot dip galvanized coatings on fabricated iron and steel articles – Specifications
and test methods
ISO 2178, Non-magnetic coatings on magnetic substrates – Measurement of coating
thickness – Magnetic method
ISO 6892-1:2009, Metallic materials – Tensile testing – Part 1: Method of test at room
ISO 6957:1988, Copper alloys – Ammonia test for stress corrosion resistance
ISO 6988:1985, Metallic and other non-organic coatings – Sulphur dioxide test with general
condensation of moisture
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3 Terms and definitions
For the purpose of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
air termination system
part of an external LPS using metallic elements such as rods, mesh conductors or catenary
wires intended to intercept lightning flashes
air termination rod
air termination conductor
part of the air termination system for intercepting and conducting direct lightning flashes to
the structure
down conductor
part of an external lightning protection system which is intended to conduct lightning current
from the air termination system to the earth termination system
earth termination system
part of an external lightning protection system which is intended to conduct and disperse
lightning current to the earth
earth electrode
part or group of parts of the earth termination system which provides direct electrical contact
with and disperses the lightning current to the earth
Note 1 to entry Typical examples are earth rod, earth conductor and earth plate.
earth rod
an earth electrode consisting of a metal rod driven into the ground
[IEC 60050-604:1987, 604-04-09]
earth conductor
earth electrode consisting of a conductor buried in the ground
earth plate
an earth electrode consisting of a metal plate buried in the ground
[IEC 60050-604:1987, 604-04-10]
joint for earth rod
part of the earth termination system that facilitates the coupling of one section of an earth rod
to another for the purpose of deep driving
driving head
tool used in those applications where it is necessary to drive the earth rod
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earth lead-in rod
rod installed between the down conductor/test joint and the earth electrode
Note 1 to entry Earth lead-in rods are used to improve mechanical stability.
4 Requirements
4.1 General
Conductors and earth electrodes shall be so designed and constructed that in normal use
their performance is reliable and without danger to persons and surrounding equipment.
The choice of a material depends on its ability to match the particular application
A summary of the requirements and their corresponding tests are given in Annex F, Annex G
and Annex H.
4.2 Documentation
The manufacturer or supplier of the conductors and earth electrodes shall provide adequate
information in their literature to ensure that the installer of the conductors and earth
electrodes can select and install the materials in a suitable and safe manner, in accordance
with IEC 62305-3 and IEC 62305-4.
Compliance is checked by inspection.
4.3 Air termination conductors, air termination rods, earth lead-in rods and down
The material, configuration and cross sectional area of the conductors and rods shall be in
accordance with Table 1. Their mechanical and electrical characteristics shall be in
accordance with Table 2.
Other materials may be used if they possess equivalent mechanical and electrical
characteristics and corrosion resistance properties for the intended application.
Other configurations may be used if the relevant dimensions are met.
Coated conductors and rods shall be corrosion resistant and the coating shall exhibit good
adherence to the base material.
Compliance is checked by the tests described in 5.2.2, 5.2.3 and 5.2.4.
NOTE A summary of the requirements for the cross sectional area, mechanical and electrical characteristics as
well as tests is given in Annex B.
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Table 1 – Material, configuration and cross sectional area of air termination conductors,
air termination rods, earth lead-in rods and down conductors
Material Configuration Cross sectional area a
mm2 Recommended dimensions
Tin plated copper b
Solid tape ³ 50 2 mm thickness
Solid round d ³ 50 8 mm diameter
Stranded d, g ³ 50 1, 7 mm diameter of each strand f
Solid round ³ 176 15 mm diameter
Aluminium Solid tape ³ 70 3 mm thickness
Solid round ³ 50 8 mm diameter
Stranded g ³ 50 1, 63 mm diameter of each strand
Copper coated
aluminium alloy e Solid round ³ 50 8 mm diameter
Aluminium alloy Solid tape ³ 50 2, 5 mm thickness
Solid round ³ 50 8 mm diameter
Stranded g ³ 50 1, 7 mm diameter of each strand
Solid round ³ 176 15 mm diameter
Hot dipped galvanized
Solid tape ³ 50 2, 5 mm thickness
Solid round ³ 50 8 mm diameter
Stranded g ³ 50 1, 7 mm diameter of each strand
Solid round ³ 176 15 mm diameter
Copper coated steel e Solid round ³ 50 8 mm diameter
Solid tape ³ 50 2, 5 mm thickness
Stainless steel c Solid tape ³ 50 2 mm thickness
Solid round ³ 50 8 mm diameter
Stranded g ³ 70 1, 7 mm diameter of each strand
Solid round ³ 176 15 mm diameter
NOTE For the application of the conductors, see IEC 62305-3.
a Manufacturing tolerance: –3 %.
b Hot dipped or electroplated; minimum thickness coating of 1 mm. Tin plating is for aesthetic reasons only.
c Chromium ³ 16 %; nickel ³ 8 %; carbon £ 0, 08 %.
d 50 mm2 (8 mm diameter) may be reduced to 25 mm2 (6 mm diameter) in certain applications where mechanical
strength is not an essential requirement.
e Minimum 70 mm radial copper coating of 99, 9 % copper content.
f In some countries 1, 14 mm diameter of each strand may be used.
g The cross sectional area of stranded conductors is determined by the resistance of the conductor according to
IEC 60228.
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Table 2 – Mechanical and electrical characteristics of air termination conductors, air
termination rods, earth lead-in rods and down conductors
Maximum electrical
Tensile strength
Copper 0, 019 200 to 450
Aluminium 0, 03 £ 150
Aluminium alloy 0, 036 120 to 280
Steel 0, 15 290 to 510
Stainless steel 0, 80 400 to 770
4.4 Earth electrodes
4.4.1 General
The cross sectional area of earth electrodes, its material and its configuration shall be in
accordance with Table 3. Its mechanical and electrical characteristics shall be in accordance
with Table 4.
Other materials may be used if they possess equivalent mechanical and electrical
characteristics and corrosion resistance properties for the intended application.
Other configurations may be used if the relevant dimensions are met.
NOTE A summary of the requirements for dimensions, mechanical and electrical characteristics as well as tests is
given in Annex C.
4.4.2 Earth rods
Earth rods shall be mechanically robust to ensure correct installation. The choice of material
shall be sufficiently malleable to ensure no cracking of the rod takes place during installation.
The threads on the rods, if any, shall be smooth and fully formed. For coated rods, the coating
shall extend over the threads. A lead-in chamfer or point is recommended to facilitate driving.
For electroplated rods such as copper coated rods, it is desirable to thread roll the thread
profile to ensure no copper is removed from the steel.
Compliance is checked by inspection and by the test according to 5.3.
4.4.3 Joints for earth rods
Earth rods can be extended to drive deeper into the ground. This can be achieved by means
of a joint/coupling device.
The choice of material shall be compatible with that of the earth rod being joined.
It shall be mechanically robust, sufficient to withstand the driving forces generated during
It shall also exhibit good corrosion resistance.
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Threaded external joints/couplers shall be of a sufficient length to ensure no threads on the
earth rod are exposed when installed.
Threaded internal joints/couplers shall ensure that the mating faces of the earth rods come in
contact after assembly.
Compliance is checked by the test of 5.4.2 and 5.4.3.
4.4.4 Earth conductors and plates
Earth electrode conductors and plates shall be corrosion resistant and any coating shall
exhibit good adherence to the base material.
Compliance is checked by the test of 5.2.2, 5.2.3 and 5.2.4.
4.5 Marking
All products complying with this standard shall be marked at least with the following:
a) manufacturer's or responsible vendor's name or trade mark;
b) identifying symbol.
Where this proves to be impractical, the marking in accordance with the identifying symbol
may be given on the smallest packing unit.
NOTE Marking can be applied for example by moulding, pressing, engraving, printing adhesive labels or water
slide transfers.
Compliance is checked in accordance with 5.5.
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Table 3 – Material, configuration and cross sectional area of earth electrodes
Material Configuration
Cross sectional area a
Earth Recommended dimensions
tin plated
copper f
Stranded ³ 50 i 1, 7 mm diameter of each strand
Solid round ³ 50 8 mm diameter
Solid tape ³ 50 2 mm thick
Solid round ³ 176 15 mm diameter
Pipe ³ 110 20 mm diameter with 2 mm wall thickness
Solid plate ³ 2 500 500 mm ´ 500 mm with 1, 5 mm thickness g
Lattice plate g ³ 3 600
600 mm ´ 600 mm consisted of
25 mm ´ 2 mm section for tape or 8 mm
diameter for round conductor
Hot dipped
Solid round ³ 78 10 mm diameter
Solid round ³ 150 b 14 mm diameter
Pipe ³ 140 b 25 mm diameter with 2 mm wall thickness
Solid tape ³ 90 3 mm thick
Solid plate ³ 2 500 500 mm ´ 500 mm with 3 mm thickness
Lattice plate d ³ 3 600
600 mm ´ 600 mm consisted of
30 mm ´ 3 mm section for tape or 10 mm
diameter for round conductor
Profile e 3 mm thick
Bare steel
Stranded ³ 70 1, 7 mm diameter of each strand
Solid round ³ 78 10 mm diameter
Solid tape ³ 75 3 mm thick
Copper coated
steel c
Solid round ³ 150 h 14 mm diameter, if 250 mm minimum radial
copper coating, with 99, 9 % copper content
Solid round ³ 50 8 mm diameter, if 250 mm minimum radial
copper coating, with 99, 9 % copper content
Solid round ³ 78 10 mm diameter, if 70 mm minimum radial
copper coating, with 99, 9 % copper content
Solid tape ³ 90 3 mm thickness, if 70 mm minimum radial
copper coating, with 99, 9 % copper content
Stainless steel
Solid round ³ 78 10 mm diameter
Solid round ³ 176 h 15 mm diameter
Solid tape ³ 100 2 mm thick
NOTE For the application of the conductors, see IEC 62305-3.
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a Manufacturing tolerance: –3 %.
b Threads, where utilized, shall be machined prior to galvanizing.
c The copper shall be intrinsically bonded to the steel. The coating can be measured using an electronic coating
measuring thickness instrument.
d Lattice plate constructed with a minimum total conductor length of 4, 8 m.
e Different profiles are permitted with a cross sectional area of 290 mm2 and a minimum thickness of 3 mm, e.g. cross
f Hot dipped or electroplated; minimum thickness coating of 1 mm. Tin plating is for aesthetic reasons only.
g In some countries, the cross sectional area may be reduced to ³ 1 800 cm2 and the thickness to ³ 0, 8 mm.
h In some countries, the cross sectional area may be reduced to 125 mm2.
i The cross sectional area of stranded conductors is determined by the resistance of the conductor according to
IEC 60228.
Table 4 – Mechanical and electrical characteristics of earth electrodes
Material Configuration
Tensile strength
Earth rod Earth conductor Earth plate mWm
Stranded N/A 200 to 450 N/A
0, 019
Solid round 200 to 450 200 to 450 N/A
Solid tape N/A 200 to 450 N/A
Pipe 200 to 450 N/A N/A
Solid plate N/A N/A 200 to 450
Lattice plate N/A N/A 200 to 450
Galvanized solid
round 350 to 770 290 to 510 N/A
0, 25
Galvanized pipe 350 to 770 N/A N/A
Galvanized solid
tape N/A 290 to 510 N/A
Galvanized solid
plate N/A N/A 290 to 510
lattice plate N/A N/A 290 to 510
Bare solid round N/A 290 to 510 N/A
Bare or
galvanized solid
N/A 290 to 510 N/A
stranded N/A 290 to 510 N/A
Galvanized cross
profile 300 to 770 N/A N/A
Copper coated
solid round 600 to 770 a, c 290 to 510 c N/A
Solid round b 500 to 770 400 to 730 N/A
0, 80
Solid tape b N/A 400 to 730 N/A
a Yield/tensile ratio 0, 80 to 0, 95.
b Chromium ³ 16 %, nickel ³ 5 %, molybdenum ³ 2 %, carbon £ 0, 08 %.
c Calculated on full diameter (copper coating included). See Annex E.
N/A = not applicable
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5 Tests
5.1 General conditions for tests
Tests according to this standard are type tests.
· Unless otherwise specified all tests are carried out on new specimens.
· Unless otherwise specified, three specimens are subjected to the tests and the
requirements are satisfied if all the tests are met.
· If only one of the specimens does not satisfy a test due to an assembly or a manufacturing
fault, that test and any preceding one which may have influenced the results of the test
shall be repeated. The tests which follow shall also be carried out in the required
sequence on another full set of specimens, all of which shall comply with the
The applicant, when submitting a set of specimens, may also submit an additional set of
specimens which may be necessary should one specimen fail. The testing station will then,
without further request, test the additional set of specimens and will reject only if a further
failure occurs. If the additional set of specimens is not submitted at the same time, the failure
of one specimen will entail rejection.
5.2 Conductors, air termination rods and earth lead-in rods
5.2.1 General
Air termination conductors, air termination rods, earth lead-in rods, down conductors and
earth conductors shall be subjected to the following tests to confirm their suitability for the
intended application.
5.2.2 Tests for thickness coating on conductors General conditions for tests
Specimens each approximately 200 mm long shall be subjected to a test for galvanized and
copper coated coating thickness.
The zinc and copper coating on a steel conductor shall be measured in accordance with
ISO 1460. It can also be measured in accordance with ISO 1461 or ISO 2178.
There is no requirement to measure the tin plated copper due to the very small coating
thickness. Only a visual inspection is required. Acceptance criteria
The specimens are deemed to have passed the tests if they comply with the requirements of
Table 1 for air termination conductors, air termination rods, earth lead-in rods, down
conductors and Table 3 for earth electrodes. Additionally, the zinc galvanizing coating shall
be smooth, continuous and free from flux stains with a minimum weight of 350 g/m2 for solid
round material and 500 g/m2 for solid tape material.
5.2.3 Bend and adhesion test for coated conductors General conditions for tests
Coated conductors each approximately 500 mm long shall be bent to an angle of 90 ° (
+5 ):
· for round conductors, the bending radius shall be equal to 5 times (±1 mm) its diameter;
· for tape conductors, the bending radius shall be equal to 5 times (±1 mm) its thickness.
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After the test, the specimens shall show no sharp edges, cracks or peeling when inspected
with normal or corrected vision without magnification.
5.2.4 Environmental test General conditions for tests
The specimens used in and complying with 5.2.3, air termination rods, earth lead-in rods,
down conductors and earth conductors, shall be subjected to an environmental test as
specified in A.1, followed by a humid sulphurous atmosphere test as specified in A.2. Acceptance criteria
After the tests, the base metal of the specimens shall not exhibit any visual corrosive
deterioration when inspected with normal or corrected vision without magnification.
5.2.5 Tensile tests General conditions for tests
For the methodology of carrying out tensile strength (Rm), see ISO 6892-1. For the testing of
air termination rods and earth lead-in rods, the test specimens should be tested un-machined
as per D.1 of ISO 6892-1:2009. Acceptance criteria
The specimens are deemed to have passed the tests if they comply with the requirements of
Table 2 and Table 4 for the earth conductors.
5.2.6 Electrical resistivity test General conditions for tests
A sample length of conductor, approximately 1, 2 m long should be used for the test. The
resistance measurement should be taken over a 1 m (± 1 mm) distance, using a
micro-ohmmeter, and the reading corrected to 20 °C using appropriate correction factors.
The sample shall be weighed.
The resistivity of the sample length of conductor can then be found by the formula:
R a
= (Wm)
R is the resistance in W over 1 m length;
a is the cross sectional area (m2);
ℓ is the unit length (m).
See Annex D for a typical example calculation.
The dimensions of the conductor should be measured at three equally distributed points along
1 m length and its cross sectional area should be within a (± 5 %) tolerance.
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62561-2 © IEC:2012(E) – 17 – Acceptance criteria
The specimens are deemed to have passed the tests if they comply with the requirements of
Table 2 and Table 4.
5.3 Earth rods
5.3.1 General
Copper coated steel earth rods shall be subjected to the tests according to 5.3. Other earth
rods shall be subjected to the test according to 5.3, except the test of 5.3.3 and 5.3.4.
5.3.2 Tests for thickness coating on earth rods General conditions for tests
Specimens each approximately 500 mm long shall be subjected to a test for copper or
galvanized coating thickness.
The copper or the zinc coating on a steel cored earth rod should be measured using a
magnetic method instrument complying with ISO 2178.
NOTE Zinc coating can also be measured in accordance with ISO 1460 or ISO 1461.
Measurements should be taken at three positions along the length of the rod: one
measurement at 50 mm in from the top of the rod, one at 50 mm in from the bottom of the rod
and one at the mid-point of the rod.
At each position detailed above, two additional measurements should be taken around the
circumference of the rod, separated approximately by 120° (see Key of Figure 1).
1, 2, 3 measurements
Figure 1 – Coating measurements around the circumference of the rod Acceptance criteria
The specimens are deemed to have passed the tests if they comply with the requirements of
Table 3.
Additionally, for the zinc coated earth rods, the coating shall be smooth, continuous and free
from flux stains with a minimum weight of 350 g/m2.
IEC 184/12
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5.3.3 Adhesion test General conditions for tests
The copper coated steel earth rods specimens used in and complying with 5.3.2, with one end
cut to an angle of approximately 45° chamfer, shall be subjected to the following test.
The specimens are driven through two steel clamping plates or the jaws of a vice set
1 ( 0, 00
-0, 25 ) mm less than the diameter of the specimens, so as to shear off sufficient metal to
expose the bond between the coating and the parent metal. A test arrangement for the
adhesion test is shown in Figure 2.
dms direction of mechanical stress
Figure 2 – Typical test arrangement for adhesion test Acceptance criteria
After the test, the coating of the specimens shall show adherence to the parent metal.
Separation of the copper from the steel is not acceptable.
NOTE Adhesion test for galvanized steel is under consideration.
5.3.4 Bend test General conditions for tests
The copper coated steel earth rods specimens used in and complying with 5.3.3 shall be bent
through a radius equal to 5 times (± 1 mm) its diameter to an angle of 90 ° (± 5 °).
IEC 185/12
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62561-2 © IEC:2012(E) – 19 – Acceptance criteria
After the test, the specimens shall show no sharp edges, cracks or peeling around the
bending area when inspected with normal or corrected vision without magnification.
5.3.5 Environmental test General conditions for tests
The copper coated steel earth rods specimens used in and complying with 5.3.4 and the zinc
coated earth rods specimens used and complying with 5.3.2 shall be subjected to an
environmental test as specified in A.1, followed by a humid sulphurous atmosphere test as
specified in A.2. Acceptance criteria
After the test, the specimens shall satisfy the following criteria:
a) the specimens shall be of good visual appearance and have no rough edges or burrs
throughout their length;
b) the base metal of the specimens shall not exhibit any visual corrosive deterioration when
inspected with normal or corrected vision without magnification. 100 mm from both ends of
the specimens are excluded from inspection.
NOTE White rust is not considered as corrosive deterioration.
5.3.6 Tensile strength tests General conditions for tests
For the methodology of carrying out tensile strength [Rm] tests, see ISO 6892-1. For the
testing of earth rods the test specimen should be tested un-machined as per D.1 of
ISO 6892-1:2009. Acceptance criteria
The specimens are deemed to have passed the tests if they comply with the requirements of
Table 4.
5.3.7 Test for yield/tensile ratio General conditions for tests
The yield/tensile ratio is determined by ascertaining the upper yield strength [ReH] and dividing
the result by the tensile strength [Rm] (see Figure 3). Acceptance criteria
The specimens are deemed to have passed the tests if they comply with the requirements of
Table 4.
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A tensile strength
B elongation
Figure 3 – Definitions of upper yield strength ReH (Mpa) and tensile strength Rm (Mpa)
5.3.8 Electrical resistivity test General conditions for tests
A sample length of earth rod, approximately 1, 2 m long, should be used for the test. The
resistance measurement should be taken over a 1 m (± 1 mm) distance, using a
micro-ohmmeter, and the reading corrected to 20 °C, using appropriate correction factors.
The sample shall be weighed.
The resistivity of the sample length of the earth rod can then be calculated using the formula:
r = R´ a ( mWm )
R is the resistance in micro-ohms (mW) over a 1 m length;
a is the cross sectional area (m2);
ℓ is the unit length (m).
See Annex D for a typical example calculation.
The dimensions of the earth rod should be measured at three equally distributed points along
1 m length and its cross sectional area should be within a (± 5 %) tolerance. Acceptance criteria
The specimens are deemed to have passed the tests if they comply with the requirements of
Table 4.
IEC 186/12
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62561-2 © IEC:2012(E) – 21 –
5.4 Joints for earth rods
5.4.1 General
Joints for earth rods shall be subjected to the following tests to confirm their suitability for the
intended application.
5.4.2 Compression tests by mechanical means General conditions for tests
Each specimen shall be assembled from two parts of rods each 500 mm long. The tests shall
be performed with suitable driving heads and driving tools following the manufacturer’s or
supplier’s instructions.
The top of the specimens shall be impacted with a vibration hammer defined with the
following parameters, for a duration of 2 min:
– percussion rate (2 000 ± 1 000) min–1;
– single stroke impact energy (50 ± 10) Nm.
A typical test arrangement is shown in Figure 4.
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Dimensions in millimetres
1 specimen
2 metal plate
3 bearing
4 driving head
5 test holder
6 vibration hammer
Figure 4 – Typical test arrangement for the compression test by mechanical means Acceptance criteria
The specimens are deemed to have passed the tests if their joints are not broken or do not
show any crack to normal or corrected vision without magnification.
5.4.3 Environmental – Electrical tests General conditions for tests
Specimen assemblies used in and complying with 5.4.2 shall be subjected to an
environmental test consisting of a salt mist test as specified in A.1, followed by a humid
sulphurous atmosphere test as specified in A.2, and an additional ammonia atmosphere
IEC 187/12
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62561-2 © IEC:2012(E) – 23 –
treatment as described in A.3 for specimens made of copper alloy with a copper content less
than 80 %.
After the conditioning test and without cleaning, the assembly shall be subjected to an
electrical test as per 6.3 of IEC 62561-1:-. Finally, the specimen assemblies shall then be
subjected to a mechanical tensile force of 1 000 N (± 10 N). Acceptance criteria
The specimens are deemed to have passed the tests if:
a) the joints are not broken or do not show any crack to normal or corrected vision without
b) the contact resistance measured with a source of at least 10 A, as close as possible to the
joint, is equal or less than 1 mW, but in the case of stainless steel equal or less than
2, 5 mW;
c) the specimen assembly still remains intact.
5.5 Marking test
5.5.1 General conditions for tests
The marking is checked by inspection and by rubbing it by hand for 15 s with a piece of cloth
soaked with water and again for 15 s with a piece of cloth soaked with white spirit/mineral
Marking made by moulding, pressing or engraving is not subjected to this test.
5.5.2 Acceptance criteria
After the test, the marking shall be legible.
6 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
Products covered by this standard are, in normal use, passive in respect of electromagnetic
influences (emission and immunity).
7 Structure and content of the test report
7.1 General
The purpose of this clause is to provide general requirements for laboratory test reports. It is
intended to promote clear, complete reporting procedures for laboratories submitting test
The results of each test carried out by the laboratory shall be reported accurately, clearly,
unambiguously and objectively, in accordance with any instructions in the test methods. The
results shall be reported in a test report and shall include all the information necessary for the
interpretation of the test results and all information required by the method used.
Particular care and attention shall be paid to the arrangement of the report, especially with
regard to presentation of the test data and ease of assimilation by the reader. The format
shall be carefully and specifically designed for each type of test carried out, but the headings
shall be standardized as indicated below.
The structure of each report shall include at least the following information contained in 7.2 to
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7.2 Report identification
a) A title or subject of the report;
b) Name, address, e-mail and telephone number of the test laboratory;
c) Name, address, e-mail and telephone number of the sub test laboratory where the test
was carried out if different from company which has been assigned to perform the test;
d) Unique identification number (or serial number) of the test report;
e) Name and address of the vendor;
f) Report shall be paginated and the total number of pages indicated;
g) Date of issue of report;
h) Date(s) of performance of test(s);
i) Signature and title, or an equivalent identification of the person(s) authorized to sign for
the testing laboratory for the content of the report;
j) Signature and title of person(s) conducting the test.
7.3 Specimen description
a) Sample description;
b) Detailed description and unambiguous identification of the test sample and/or test
c) Characterization and condition of the test sample and/or test assembly;
d) Sampling procedure, where relevant;
e) Date of receipt of test items;
f) Photographs, drawings or any other visual documentation, if available.
7.4 Conductor
a) Conductor material;
b) Cross-section area, dimensions and shape. It is recommended that the actual crosssectional
area should also be given.
7.5 Standards and references
a) Identification of the test standard used and the date of issue of the standard;
b) Other relevant documentation with the documentation date.
7.6 Test procedure
a) Description of the test procedure;
b) Justification for any deviations from, additions to or exclusions from the referenced
c) Any other information relevant to a specific test such as environmental conditions;
d) Configuration of testing assembly;
e) Location of the arrangement in the testing area and measuring techniques.
7.7 Testing equipment, description
Description of equipment used for every test conducted, i.e. generator, conditioning/ ageing
7.8 Measuring instruments description
Characteristics and calibration date of all instruments used for measuring the values specified
in the standard, i.e. radius gauge shunts, tensile testing machine, extensometer, ohmmeter,
torque meter, thickness caliper gauge, etc.
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7.9 Results and parameters recorded
a) The required passing criteria for each test, defined by the standard;
b) The relevant observed or derived results of the tests.
All results shall be presented in tables, graphs, drawings, photographs or other
documentation of visual observations as appropriate.
7.10 Statement of pass/fail
A statement of pass/fail identifying the part of the test for which the specimen has failed and
also a description of the failure.
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Annex A
Environmental test for conductors, air termination rods
and earth lead-in rods
A.1 Salt mist test
The salt mist test shall be in accordance with IEC 60068-2-52:1996, except for Clauses 7, 10
and 11 which are not applicable. The test is carried out using severity (2).
If the salt mist chamber can maintain the temperature conditions as specified in 9.3 of
IEC 60068-2-52:1996 and a relative humidity of not less than 90 %, then the specimen may
remain in it for the humidity storage period.
A.2 Humid sulphurous atmosphere test
The humid sulphurous atmosphere treatment shall be in accordance with ISO 6988:1985 with
seven cycles with a concentration of sulphur dioxide of 667 ´ 10–6 (in volume) ± 25 ´ 10–6,
except for Clauses 9 and 10 which are not applicable.
Each cycle which has duration of 24 h is composed of a heating period of 8 h at a
temperature of 40 °C ± 3 °C in the humid saturated atmosphere which is followed by a rest
period of 16 h. After that, the humid sulphurous atmosphere is replaced.
If the test chamber maintains the temperature conditions as specified in 6.5.2 of
ISO 6988:1985 then the specimen may remain in it for the storage period.
A.3 Ammonia atmosphere treatment
The ammonia atmosphere treatment shall be in accordance with ISO 6957:1988 for a
moderate atmosphere with the pH value 10 except for 8.4 and Clause 9, which are not
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Annex B
Requirements for the cross sectional area, mechanical
and electrical characteristics, tests to be applied
The following is a summary of requirements for cross sectional area, mechanical and
electrical characteristics as well as tests to be applied for air termination conductors, air
termination rods, earth lead-in rods and down conductors according to Table 1 and Table 2.
Table B.1 – Summary of requirements for various elements tested
according to Table 1 and Table 2
Material Configuration Cross sectional area, mechanical and electrical
characteristics, tests to be applied
Tin plated
Solid tape
Solid round
Table 1 / Table 2
Tests: Footnotes of Table 1, 5.2.4 / 5.2.5 / 5.2.6
Aluminium Solid tape
Solid round
Table 1 / Table 2
Tests: Footnotes of Table 1, 5.2.4 / 5.2.5 / 5.2.6
Copper coated
aluminium alloy
Solid round Table 1 / Table 2
Tests: Footnotes of Table 1, 5.2.2 / 5.2.3 / 5.2.4 / 5.2.5 / 5.2.6
Aluminium alloy Solid tape
Solid round
Table 1 / Table 2
Tests: NOTE of Table 1, 5.2.4 / 5.2.5 / 5.2.6
Hot dipped
Solid tape
Solid round
Table 1 / Table 2
Tests: Footnotes of Table 1, 5.2.2 / 5.2.3 / 5.2.4 / 5.2.5 / 5.2.6
Copper coated
Solid round
Solid tape
Table 1 / Table 2
Tests: Footnotes of Table 1, 5.2.2 / 5.2.3 / 5.2.4 / 5.2.5 / 5.2.6
Stainless steel Solid tape
Solid round
Table 1 / Table 2
Tests: Footnotes of Table 1, 5.2.4 / 5.2.5 / 5.2.6
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– 28 – 62561-2 © IEC:2012(E)
Annex C
Requirements for dimensions, mechanical
and electrical characteristics, tests to be applied
The following is a summary of requirements for dimensions, mechanical and electrical
characteristics as well as tests to be applied for earth electrodes according to Table 3 and
Table 4.
Table C.1 – Summary of requirements for various elements
tested according to Table 3 and Table 4
Material Configuration Application Dimensions, mechanical electrical
characteristics, tests to be applied
Copper Solid round
Solid round
Solid tape
Solid plate
Lattice plate
Earth conductor
Earth rod
Earth conductor
Earth rod
Earth plate
Earth plate
Earth conductor
Table 3 / Table 4
Tests: Footnotes of Table 3 / 5.2.4 / 5.2.5 / 5.2.6
Solid round
Solid tape
Solid plate
Lattice plate
Earth conductor
Earth conductor
Earth plate
Earth plate
Earth conductor
Table 3 / Table 4
Tests: Footnotes of Table 3 / 5.2.2 / 5.2.3 / 5.2.4 /
5.2.5 / 5.2.6
Solid round
Earth rod
Earth rod
Earth rod
Table 3 / Table 4
Tests: Footnotes of Table 3 / 5.3.2 / 5.3.5 / 5.3.6 /
5.3.7 / 5.3.8
Bare steel Solid round
Solid tape
Earth conductor
Earth conductor
Table 3 / Table 4
Tests: Footnotes of Table 3 / 5.2.5 / 5.2.6
Copper coated
Solid round
Earth rod Table 3 / Table 4
Tests: Footnotes of Table 3/ 5.3.2 / 5.3.3 / 5.3.4; 5.3.5
/ 5.3.6 / 5.3.7 / 5.3.8
Copper coated
Solid round
Solid tape
Earth conductor
Earth conductor
Table 3 / Table 4
Tests: Footnotes of Table 3 / 5.2.2 / 5.2.3 / 5.2.4 /
5.2.5 / 5.2.6
Stainless steel Solid round
Solid round
Solid tape
Earth conductor
Earth rod
Earth conductor
Table 3 / Table 4
Tests: Footnotes of Table 3 / 5.2.4 / 5.2.5 / 5.2.6
Joints for earth
_____ _____ Tests: Footnotes of Table 3 / 5.4.2 / 5.4.3. In addition,
tests according to 6.3 of IEC 62561-1:-
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62561-2 © IEC:2012(E) – 29 –
Annex D
Typical example calculation of conductor resistivity
As an example, it is assumed that the measured resistance of 1 m of copper conductor
corrected to 20 °C is:
R = 234 mW
The measured mass of the 1, 2 m length of test sample is taken as:
m = 772 g
Therefore the mass of 1 m of this conductor is:
1, 2 m
m* = 772 g =
The specific density of copper is:
γ = 0, 0089 g/mm3
Therefore the calculated cross-sectional area is:
3 72, 2 mm
0, 0089 g/mm
643 g/m =
Therefore the resistivity is:
( ) 0, 0169 m
234 106 72, 2 106
r = ´ ´ ´ = mW
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Annex E
Typical example of calculation of the tensile strength of a coated material
Copper coated solid round rod with:
· overall diameter: 14, 2 mm
· radial copper coating thickness: 250 mm = 0, 25 mm
· diameter of steel core: 14, 2 mm – 0, 5 mm = 13, 7 mm
Therefore the cross-sectional area (a) is:
a = p ´ r 2 = p ´ 6, 852 = 147, 43 mm2
Ultimate tensile strength (UTS) of copper coated earth rod (complete with copper coating) is:
UTS = 88, 458 kN
The contribution the copper coating makes to the UTS is insignificant and so can be ignored.
Therefore the tensile strength in N/mm2 is:
147, 43 mm
88, 458 10 N
= ´ = N/mm2
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62561-2 © IEC:2012(E) – 31 –
Annex F
Flow chart of tests for air termination conductors,
air termination rods, earth lead-in rods and down conductors
IEC 188/12
Record Electrical
resistance, Ro
R1 > 50 % Ro
No corrosion
Three samples
200 mm length
Coating test
resistance R1
test (5.2.4)
Bend and
adhesion test
R1 ≤ 50 % Ro
Three samples
1 200 mm length
Table 1
El. resistivity
NO Tensile test
Non coated
Air termination conductor,
air termination rod,
earth lead in rod,
down conductor
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Annex G
Flow chart of tests for earth rods
IEC 189/12
Record Electrical
resistance, Ro
R1 > 50 % Ro
No corrosion
Three samples
200 mm length
Coating test
resistance R1
test (5.2.4)
Bend and
adhesion test
R1 ≤ 50 % Ro
Three samples
1 200 mm length
Table 1
El. resistivity
NO Tensile test
Non coated
Air termination conductor,
air termination rod,
earth lead in rod,
down conductor
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62561-2 © IEC:2012(E) – 33 –
Annex H
Flow chart of tests of joints for earth rods
IEC 190/12
electrical and tensile
test (
test (5.4.2)
Joints for earth rods
criteria (
Six earth rod samples
500 mm length
each and three joints
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IEC 60050 (all parts), International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (available at
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