10 Myths of Lightning Safety Lightning never strikes the same place twice La system in delhi If it’s not raining, or if clouds aren’t overhead, you are safe from lightning Rubber tires protect you from lightning in a car by insulating you from the ground A lightning victim is electrified. If you touch them, you’ll be electrocuted. If outside in a thunderstorm, go under a tree to stay dry. Philanthrope If you are in a house, you are safe from lightning When playing sports and thunderstorms threaten, it’s okay to finish the game before seeking shelter. Structures with metal, or metal on the body (jewellery, watches, glasses, backpacks, etc.), attract lightning If trapped outside and lightning is about to strike, lie flat on the ground Go near a tall pointy isolated object when thunderstorms threaten, to be within the 45°“cone of protection” Lightning protection in delhi ESE Lightning arrester in delhi Tercel Lightning Protection in delhi Alltec Lightning Arrester
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