DIGITAL SURGE SUPPRESSION Digital Earthing Device with Digital Surge Suppressor for Indirect Lighting Surge Protection with inbuilt Low Impedance Ground and Static charge eliminator. • Protection from abnormal electrical characteristics. • Protection against poor grounding. • Remove earth to neutral stray voltage. • Does not require separate grounding. • Protection from electrical noise. • Certified and Approved by CE & CPRI. Technical Features: • DSS Works on energy conversion principle it is know as Digital Grounding Apparatus. • DSS Detect Surges, convert them into the Heat Energy and dissipate through Low Impedance Ground. These Surges enters via Electrical & Communication Lines through Conductive Structure (Like Communication cable, IF Cables, RF Cables, water pipe, Gas pipeline, steel structure etc.) • DSS Provides Low Impedance Ground to eliminate Static Charge & Leakage current. • DSS Provides Equi-Potential bonding to all the equipment and improve the earth resistance. • DSS is an Integrated Protection System to protect nearly 20 equipment's within the radius of 5 meters depending upon the electrical wiring layout. Key Advantages: • Total Lightning Surge Protection. • Provide Lowest Impedance Ground. • Static Charge Eliminator. • Provide Low Impedance path to Leakage Current. • Provides Equi-Potential common Grounding. • Maintain Earth to Neutral voltage less than 1 Volts.
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