why lightning protection ie required the function of an external lightning protection system is to intercept, conduct and disperse a lightning strike safely to earth. Without such a system a building's structure, electronic systems and the people working around or within it are all at risk. Www.snengineering.com Www.chemicalearthingelectrode.com Lightning protection systems form a safe shield around the building by intercepting direct lightning strikes and discharging them safely to the ground. Lightning equipotential bonding reduces the potential differences caused by the lightning current. The function of an external lightning protection system is to intercept, conduct and disperse a lightning strike safely to earth. Lightning strikes (or even electrical discharges due to nearby lightning) can cause fires, explosions, chemical release or mechanical disruption within or around a building. A lightning arrester rod or a lightning conductor is a metal rod that is installed on a building to protect it from thunderstorms & lightning strikes. This lightning arrester is made from copper & brass alloy, which is the best conductor of electricity. As such, it has a very high ground coverage of up to 60 meters
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